We offer custom massages of different lengths, starting from part-body massages of 25 minutes to luxurious full-body massages of 90 minutes. Most guests choose 60 minute massages at our beautiful ocean cabana. Duo massages are very popular: they are side by side massages with two therapists. Our licensed therapists are highly trained and proficient in many different modalities, some of which are described on the next page.

Our massage cabana is a perfect place to view rainbows in the morning. The island of Molokai is faintly visible in the mist.

We are located inside Aston Ka'anpali Shores in Honokowai.

Receive a massage during a live performance of birds and ocean-waves. Our cabana is facing the ocean, shaded by a big monkey-pod tree, and naturally cooled by island breezes.

This is our cabana viewed from the ocean. On the left you can see part of the pink pyramid, which is the Ka'anapali Beach Club.

The ocean cabana is perfect for side by side massages. Whether it is a couple enjoying the romantic moment, two friends relaxing together for the day, or a parent and child bonding through this shared experience, they will all be delighted.

We offer hot stone massages in both the ocean cabana and the inside room. The heat of the stones will penetrate your muscles and melt away your aches and knots.

Hot stones have been used for hundreds of years in Hawaii to help restore balance in mind, body, and soul.

Some guests prefer our air-conditioned massage room.

Enjoy a spectacular sunset right in front of our massage cabana.

On your way back from the massage you might spot our resident black crowned night heron fishing in the garden pond.

Enjoy the exquisite landscaping with waterfalls and koi pond.

During whale season you can spot humpback whales from our cabana.